Trevor Wallwork




Signed Bar Roll



9225 7444


9225 8686


Profile Details

Trevor Wallwork practices principally in public law, with an emphasis on administrative law, town planning & local government law, tribunals, inquests & commissions of enquiry.

He has particular expertise in local government matters (planning, regulation, enforcement, & prosecution) in all jurisdictions. He has been briefed to appear on behalf of, and opposed to various government and administrative entities, including Municipal Councils, the TAC, Goulburn-Murray Water, the Directors of Public Prosecutions (State & Cth), and the Director of Police Integrity. He has advised on, and appeared in applications arising from the issue of subpoena (privilege, public interest immunity etc) in various jurisdictions. Trevor has also appeared at Tribunals and Examinations briefed by the Victorian Government Solicitor.

Trevor is regularly briefed to appear in the Magistrates’, Coroner's, County and Supreme Courts; the Court of Appeal, and at VCAT.

Trevor read with David Beach S.C. (now Justice Beach), and signed the Bar Roll in 2001.

Trevor has been led by senior members of counsel including Robert Richter QC, Richard Niall SC, Tim Margetts SC, Chris Ryan SC, John McArdle QC, & Bill Morgan-Payler QC.

Trevor has recently appeared in the following significant matters:

  • Brittain v Mansour (2013) - Supreme Court judicial review of imposition of monetary penalties as a condition of adjourned undertakings (bonds) by Magistrates.
  • Salter & Ors v City of Melb & Anor (2012/13) - Building Appeals Board & Supreme Court appeals in relation to 'serviced apartments'.
  • Police v K (2012-2013) - Historical sexual offences committal - all charges dismissed & discontinued.
  • Inquest into the death of Carolyn Rawlins (2009 - 2010) - briefed by The City of Melbourne.
  • R v Ashby (2009 - 2010) - Supreme Court perjury trial.
  • R v Hugo Rich (2007 - 2008) - Murder committal
  • Police v Kohuni & 6 ors (2006) – Murder committal
  • R v Eaton; R v McCartney (2006) – Court of Appeal.
  • R v McCulloch & Cotter (2005) - County Court drug trial.
  • R v Federico (2005) – Supreme Court murder trial.


  • Hearing Panels List (hearings into health professionals under the Health Professions Registration Act 2005).
  • Tribunal, and the Appeals Board of the Football Federation of Victoria.
  • Adviser, Public Solicitor's Office, Honiara, Solomon Islands (funded by AusAid under the governance of RAMSI).
  • He has also been engaged as a sessional tutor in the Deakin University witness examination program; and since 2001, he has been the Chairman of the Flemington and Kensington Community Legal Centre.


  • South Pacific Legal Education Committee 2010 - 2012.