Neil Adams SC

Admitted to Practice:



Signed Bar Roll





9225 7444


Profile Details

Neil's diverse legal career spans over 30 years, during which he has gained extensive expertise in criminal law in various jurisdictions. He has practiced in New South Wales, Victoria, and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and acted for the Commonwealth at both trial and appellate levels.

For a significant portion of his career, Neil served as a New South Wales Crown Prosecutor, dedicating eight years to the role and eventually reaching the position of Deputy Senior Crown Prosecutor. During this time, he represented the Crown in criminal trials and in the Court of Criminal Appeal.

Prior to his service as a NSW Crown Prosecutor, Neil was retained for 4 years as private counsel, to act on behalf of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) During this period, he frequently appeared in trial and appellate courts in Melbourne and Sydney.

Before assuming the position of Crown Prosecutor, Neil had a busy mixed practice. His legal expertise encompassed a wide range of areas, including acting as defence counsel in criminal trials and appeals, handling commercial litigation matters, and representing clients in common law causes.