Jim Stavris

LLB Monash University



Signed Bar Roll



9225 6319


9225 8686




Room 0419 Owen Dixon Chambers West 525 Lonsdale Street Melbourne Vic 3000

Profile Details

Jim has over 25 years extensive experience in the Building and Construction industry predominately in Electrical and Mechanical services having worked on many major building projects, he is well equipped to advise in building related disputes and other Commercial law matters. Jim established a wide and varied general practice ranging from appearing at the VCAT to the Supreme Court of Appeal. During this time he often appeared in jurisdictions outside Victoria. He has appeared in committal proceedings for charges of murder, many summary and other indictable matters including drug offences, drink driving and assaults.

Jim assisted the Family Law Assistance Program at the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia appearing for unrepresented litigants from 2007 until 2011 as a duty advocate every Monday. He has extensive experience in Family Law advocacy having appeared in property and children matters, recovery proceedings, De Facto matters and appeals.

Jim read with Bill Stuart SC until his appointment to the County Court and completed his reading with Jonathan Brett.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.